Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I was so honored to be invited to Tater's wedding this weekend! It's a little tricky how I know her - my boyfriend's best friend is married to Veronica who is the sister of Tater. Who would have thought a friendship would flourish with not just my boyfriend's best friend's wife but also her sister?
Tater is such a funny gal. In the beginning, she who would take refuge in her room whenever Jon and I would visit Veronica and her husband. I didn't even know she was home most of the time! I think it's charming how Tater thinks she's mean and yet she's very shy. And Tater is the person who taped all the season finales of my favorite shows when I was in the Philippines. I'm still grateful for that.
Anyway, I was honored to be invited because we didn't know each other very long and most of our interaction was through occasional visits and, of course, Blogger :) I really think it's special when people invite you to witness something so personal and important like a wedding ceremony. Of course, I was also pretty excited because this would be my first Mexican wedding! Now, I've been to plenty of wedding ceremonies where the bride and groom are of Mexican descent. I live in California for crying out loud. I'd say at least half the people I've met in my life are Mexican. And I don't mean a tradition Mexican wedding. I don't even know what one would look like. I guess there are only three things, to me, that qualify a wedding to be Mexican-
1. 75% is in Spanish
2. Mariachi band
3. Mexican food
Substitute "Spanish" for "Tagalog", "Mariachi Band" for "Karaoke" and "Mexican" for "Filipino" and that is a Filipino wedding. I'm still not quite sure if I've seen a Traditional Filipino Wedding. But I've been to PLENTY of Filipino weddings.
Alas, there was not a #3 and I was sad because I knew it would have been goooood. But there was #1 and #2 and oh boy, neither disappointed! But that isn't my point. It was just a bonus.
This was a BEAUTIFUL wedding. These Milan sisters know how to throw a shindig (I was also honored to attend Veronica's which was equally beautiful and spectacular.) Tater looked stunning in her dress. She was divine. (I'm not a great photographer but pictures can be seen on Pookie's page.) She and her husband looked so lovely, happy and in love. And yes, YES, I was one of the many who cried when Veronica gave her speech. You would have thought I had grown up with them or something!
So even though Tater is NEVER on Blogger anymore, which we'll discuss in private, I still want to thank her (and Veronica because, well, I just adore her!) for inviting The Man and me to such a beautiful event.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Nine phrases women know

I loved this so I had to share ... I read it to Jon-Jon and I definitely laughed more than him.

1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that b egin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.
8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I knew this would happen

I've been all up in myspace and neglecting my blogger. I love Blogger!
Hmmmm ... well, I'm going to Fresno for a wedding this weekend. And I have nothing to wear. I think I'm just going to try to put something together with what I already have because I didn't find anything at the mall. I looked in Express, Banana Republic, Gap, Forever21, and Wet Seal. I was hoping to find something in the first three stores but it's all very casual. The last two stores was just hoping for a shot in hell. I used to LOVE those stores. I thought they were a steal! But now they give me a headache. There are clothes EVERYWHERE and it's all squashed together and I feel like I'm burrowing. Don't get me wrong, I've found cute stuff from there recently but I can tell I'm getting older because the amount of my wardrobe from the teeny bopper stores is getting less and less.
Anyway, I still don't have anything to wear.
Oh, and I'm debating trying Jenny Craig. OK, before I hear how it won't work because WW teaches us how to eat properly and be mindful, know that I KNOW this. But this is my fourth time on WW. That's right, FOURTH. And I lost 3 lbs. I've been on it for 12 weeks now. I know WW works. It worked the first time. Maybe I lack the discipline. But I have to try something new.
Crazy is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. So I'm going to look into Jenny Craig.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Health & Nutrition

For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.

1. Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
3. Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
4. Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
5. Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I know Power Week is looming when ...

I cry three times today FOR NO GOOD REASON. No really -

1. At church because I was thinking about stuff to worry about since I don't understand the sermon in Tagalog (which is intentional) and I was frustrated that I'm even there when I didn't want to be but that's another entry.

2. At home because I felt like I wasn't able to communicate my feelings to my significant other who, THANKFULLY, knew that I was being "sensitive," gave me a big bear hug and told me there was nothing to cry about. Because duh, there really wasn't.

3. At a freakin' baby christening. That's right. I cried at a christening. Not a baby shower, a christening. I think I thought it was so sweet how anxious and excited all these parents were and it touched me. *Gag* right?!

I honestly CANNOT WAIT for my period to come so all this nonsense can stop.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Smell that glue?

I don't own any flats.
Maybe it's because I'm short. Maybe it's because my mom has a shoe collection that rivals Imelda Marcos (no, I'm not exaggerating.) Maybe it's because I grew up during the time the Spice Girls had a strong influence on fashion.
In any case, I don't own flats. In fact, I think they're ugly. Before anyone gets riled up, I think they're ugly ON ME. What I considered "flats" were one-inch heels so I do own a few of those.
But my ankle is being a fickle bitch and I can't wear any sort of heel without it hurting. So I realized that I was going to have to cave in and buy flat shoes that are appropriate for work. I say this because I have over ten pairs of flip-flops which I would gladly wear but don't fly with the work dresscode.
Since I despite flats, I refuse to pay a lot for them. So off I went to the good ol' Payless Shoe Source! Very cheap which is great because I'll probably throw these away once I can go back to Nine West, Bandolino, and all my other shoes.
They're so flat, aren't they? I hate them. But the bitch that is my ankle is happy in these so whatever.
I have no idea how long I won't be able to wear heels. That means all my sandals, peep toe and closed toe ... well, hell, practically all my shoes.
I'm a little sad. Because, again, I think flats are very very fugly.
I also got these. They aren't much cuter, are they? And they look like they're platforms but they really aren't, they're slides. They're only an inch high. Shut up, they're still flats to me.
So here are my ugly shoes from the glue factory (aka Payless Shoe Source) which are the only kind of shoes I can wear to work for a while. Ick.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Going down in blaze of glory

Last Thursday and Friday I went to LA for a work conference.
As you might guess, I am still in the honeymoon stage of my job. Coupled with the fact that I was going to get to hang with some of my most favorite colleagues, I was happy to be going to this conference.
I got up at 4:15am that Thursday morning. Wasn't so happy abut that. The pups somehow know when I'm going out of town because they have a tendency to raise hell ALL NIGHT LONG the night before I leave. I dragged myself out of bed, dragged myself to the aiport and dragged myself onto the plane.
After the double shot latte kicked in, I was normal enough for human interaction. Like most work conferences, we were on the go, go, go. We had a "working" lunch and more guest speakers.
Lucky for us, the last speaker of the day was just spectacular. She was lively and engaging. I was really interested in what she had to say. Truly! I even got irritated that I had to use the restroom because I didn't want to miss any part of her lecture. But I drink 64 oz a day, remember, so I had to go. I was seated in the back and knew I could make a quick exit and return.
I whispered to my seatmate, "Let me know what I miss" and went for the door.
OK, I don't know exactly what happened. I know I meant to open and walk through the door but what I did was a half fall/ half sprawl and HIT the door. Yes, that's right. I ATE IT. Big time.
I had a million thoughts running through my head all at once -
"Sweet Mary, did I just fall?"
"Ow! My ankle really hurts."
"Sh*t, am I covered up? Of COURSE I would be wearing a skirt today."
"This GD ankle hurts like a mother!"
"Maybe no one heard me and I could get back up without too many people noticing."
... and, I'm sure, other things that I can't recall.
This all happened in a split second. So there I was, sprawled on the floor, hoping that I've managed to cover my underoos before anyone saw them. I was a little dazed and I sincerely thought that maybe no one noticed my fall. I thought that I hadn't made a sound. Evidently, I had made a thud against the door, then another thud onto the floor. To make matters worse, a woman had then yelled, "Oh no, the baby!!!!"
See, there was another petite, ethnic (by that I mean brown) gal who happened to pregnant. And the woman who yelled, bless her heart, probably rarely sees brown people so she got us confused and worried a whole bunch of people. So a FLOOD of people come rushing to me. Most already knew it was me, though, and came over to help.
Mind you, all those thoughts and more that I listed above were still racing through my mind. My boss ran over and asked me if I was OK. HER boss had run over and asked if I was OK. The one out of two men in the room asked if I was OK and did I need him to carry me to a chair?
No, no," I waved everyone away, "I'm fine! Just leave me here and go back to the lecture! I'm OK. I just can't move."
Because THAT made sense to me. My ankle hurt and I couldn't pop back up like I thought I could and the lecturer had stopped because I caused a major scene.
I had just wanted to go to the loo.
"Please, go ahead! I'm fine. I'm fine! I just like to be dramatic, is all. Leave me here to collect my thoughts and I'll be fine."
In case you're wondering, yes, I still had to go to the bathroom at this time but my ankle hurt more than anything so I just held it.
The vice president and senior vice president told everyone to go back to their seats and they would take care of me. I didn't want to get up so I kind of butt-scooted through the door and rested outside on the lobby floor (I had nothing to lose at this point.)
Another coworker brought me ice and I eventually heaved myself into a chair. When it was determined that I did not break or twist but had actually rolled my ankle, everyone was OK with leaving me alone with my thoughts until I was good enough to go back into the room.
And that is how I went down in a blaze of glory (without the glory) at a work function.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Just had to shout from the rooftops ...

Our (DDoll & my) Mom got her biopsy results and it's BENIGN!
Our mom is quite private. I almost posted about it earlier this week - the fact that she was getting a biopsy and how we were sooooo worried - because I knew she could use the prayers and well wishes. I decided not to, though, because the waiting and worrying just felt to personal to write about.
But all is wonderful and right in our family's world and I'm very very happy to share the great news. Whoooohoooo!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Having to get creative

I bought this pedometer last weekend.
I attended my regular Sunday morning WW meeting and noticed that this girl was wearing the pedometer. She is only one around my age at the WW meeting so we usually sit together. I don't even know her name but she seems pretty cool.
"Hey, do you like that?" I whispered. (We should be paying attention to the meeting. But there's this lady who is not the leader that loves to try and co-lead every time. I try to ignore her.)
"Yah, it's great! You should get it. It tracks your activity points.And it's really easy to use!"
It looked cheap to me but if she likes it, then OK. So I got one. It clips on so it kind of looks like a very small pager. It's pretty cool. It cost $20 and tracks my steps, distance, has the time, can also be a stopwatch and tracks activity points.
But yesterday, I was wearing a form fitted skirt and a blouse that ended several inches below my waist. And the directions said that it has to be right side up so I can't clip it upside down to the bottom of my blouse.
So where the hell do I clip it?
After staring at the pager-looking thing and looking at where I can put it (should I clip it to my shoe? No, I might look like a convict.) I clipped it front and center of my bra. My shirt was dark so there was no visible bump from the pedometer.
And it worked!
I walked about 3,500 steps. I think I'm supposed to be around 9,000. See? Good to know!
I don't know how it will log when I run on a treadmill but I'm going to give it a go today.
So if you ever decide to buy one that isn't a wristwatch and you're wearing an outfit that doesn't permit you to clip it on your waistband, now you know where else you can hide it.
You didn't think I was going to put it anywhere else, did you?

Monday, July 09, 2007


Maybe 20 points are just right for some people. To me, they aren't much.
I neglected to look at how many points a McGriddle had when I gave into a craving this morning. I thought, "It's probably six, maybe seven points."
It was 10.
I don't blame McDonalds or anything. I'm the one that didn't feel like having the oatmeal.
But that decision gave me only 10 points left for the rest of the day. And I eat way more at night than I do in the morning.
So now I've racked up 30+ points today.
Another frustrating thing ...
I came across an old WW weight log that I started when I had "re-joined" back in 2001. I remember thinking back then, "I've really let myself go." (I could do an entire blog of how your mind can really get messed up when you live with someone same height as you but a size 2 and thinks she's fat. I don't blame her, I'm just saying that it can mess with your head. No, not you, C!)
I also noticed when I was loading pictures onto Flickr that I have very few pictures of me or The Man from this year. We used to take tons of photos! I know it's because I've shied away from the camera this year. Because I'm uncomfortable when I see any pictures of me lately. Terrible.
Now I've joined WW, yet again, and I'd gladly give quite a bit of money to get to that weight. In fact, I AM giving quite a bit of money in an attempt to get to that weight off and hopefully lose more.
So frustrating.
I know. Don't give up. Work out and eat better.
What kills me is that I can't believe I'm still fixated on my weight. I've been self-conscious about my weight since I was a teenager! I just want to be content. So not only am I frustrated about the weight but I'm pissed that I'm frustrated about the weight.
OK, I had to write this all down or else my poor significant other would hear it.
I've got to check my pill pack. I MUST be getting my Power Week soon.
PS: I took down the link about what celebrities would look like if they were "normal" like us (but a tad trashy) because I don't want to be one of these people that feel better by making fun of or putting other people down. Even if it's just pretend. And even though they're super duper rich and beautiful. (But I won't stop reading perezhilton.com)

New digs and random bits

Hey! Hope you found me easily.
I didn't move because of any drama. More like technical difficulties. Learning how to add Flickr was a pain in the hoo-hah. (I am not html savvy.)
Thank you for the song suggestions. Please keep them coming! I need enough running/work out music for three hours.
Yah. I know.
Oh, and I got CAUGHT. Jon-Jon glanced at my computer which happened to show the post about his bathroom issues. He pointed to the screen and said, "Hey! What's that?!" Oops.
But he thanked all of you for acknowledging that he is a neat man - most of the time. Between you and me, though, he's still have stomach problems and I'm not looking for stuff to clean, know what I mean? I have cleaner and papertowels in the bathroom so he can take care of his post-business. And if your concerned about his 7+ days of bathroom issues, because I actually am, he saw a doctor and is going to see a specialist. Cross your fingers! Between the broken yet healing hand and stomach problems (I was going to write something else but decided to be kind,) my boy is not a happy camper :(
Have a great Monday!!!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I desperately need new running music!

Some help, please. I need some running music. I've been listening to the same playlist (give or take a couple of a songs) for two years! It's the same GD music I listen to when I worked out. Evidently I PLAYED THEM OUT.
I like fast beats and, if at all possible, mainstream. Suggestions, please. Here's my current playlist:
Gold Digger
Crazy In Love
U & Ur Hand
Ain't No Other Man
Just a Girl
Kawaipunahele Dance Mix (A Hawaiian remix)
Touch the Sky
Chris Cox Megamix of Britney's music
No Strings ATtached
Blister In the Sun
I will Survive
Sunday Morning
Come On Eileen
Get Ur Freak On
This Will Be (Everlasting Love)
Bizarre Love Triangle

I'm getting SICK of it. I find myself getting easily distracted by how much I'm annoyed by my music. And, because running is such a pain in the ass, it's way to easy for me to become unmotivated, slow down and start walking. Now that I'm incorporating music when I train, I need to freshen my playlist.
So please, tell me what gets your booty shakin' so I can add it!
Yah, I wrote "booty."

Friday, July 06, 2007

So tempting

I had all these big plans for my three days off. Five, if you include the weekend!
But I had this weird stomach ache that would NOT go away.
So I was laid up in bed, forced to watch non-cable shows. Or be on the internet. I chose internet.
I am SO tempted right now to join MySpace. I checked it out and there are so many people I know on it and it would be fun to reconnect. Oh. So. Tempting!!!!
And then I remembered why I joined Blogger.
I am a defunct Friendster user. It used to be fun. I spent hours, and I mean HOURS, finding people, reading people, and finding and reading even more people.
I added people that weren't really "friends" but I guess that's why it's called "friendster." Kinda friends but not.
I think I had a 100+ friends by the time I left. And if you know me, I don't have a lot of patience so there's no way that I can call over a 100 people true friends. I left because it got to be too much. Obviously we write for ourselves but we also write because we know someone is reading. Well, Friendster just got to be too much. Too much of a hook-up zone (and that's OK but I wasn't trying to hook-up), too many people that I didn't really know connected to me and I didn't want them to be (why that bothers me, I'm not sure but it does) and too many people that I realized I didn't really want to know my business. How could I be truthful if I worried people were judging me? I mean, my friends don't judge. But how could I really "put it out there" if I worried what people would think? Sure, I can say, "I don't care what people think" but I sort of do!
Part of me thinks I have an addictive side. That's why I won't purchase a PS3 or Wii (that's how it's spelled, right?) because my ass would always be in front of the TV. It is a HUGE reason why I fight with The Man to not get cable. I love me some Lifetime, MTV, VH1, and whatever else plays TV shows from the 80s and 90s. But that's beside the point.
I just spend an hour checking out old friends, sorority sisters, and *gasp* even my ex-boyfriend to see what they're up to and what they look like now. I think I just qualified to be called a stalker. I'm too inquisitive (nosy) to have self-control. Poor Piko and Pili will wonder why their mama doesn't play with them anymore. The Man will have to talk to himself. He already doesn't care for Blogger because of how much time I spend perusing!
Please, don't think I'm judging the MySpace users. I think just about ALL my friends are on it. If not, then 98%. I think it's so cool that you can connect to so many people from the past.
But, for me, that's the curse of it, too.
So I'm going to step back, slowly, and walk away from MySpace. Tempting, like a beautiful but expensive handbag that I don't need.
I am jealous of the music capabilities, though. Anyone know how I can put some jams on this here blog?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Love is

cleaning the toilet after your significant other had a terrible two-day bout of diarrhea.
For real.
OK, it wasn't that bad. But still. You know how strongly I feel about shrapnel.

Where is everybody?!

I joined blogger so I can stay in touch with family and friends. It's actually done a great job of that. I love reading about my friends' lives and knowing things that they probably would have never bothered to tell me.
(This is where I shout people out)
But where the f*ck is everybody?! I mean, I know we're all busy and have a lot to do. But would it kill you for a sentence or two?! I'm not really mad. I just like lots of exclamation points.
DDoll is pretty good about writing on a regular basis. Pooks: you're off and on but I get that school can kick a person's ass. Plus, you've been writing more now that you're on break. Tater: what's going on with you? I know, I know, you have a wedding and I'm positive that you are working your tail off. But I'd love to know how you're doing or any crazy stories leading up to your wedding. You've got a great excuse, though, so I can't expect much. I just miss reading about the chaos you cause. Kim's on vacation - boo. TwoLips: You're MIA but I understand why. Tel is pretty good at updating her stuff. Bro-in-law: We haven't heard from you since freakin' April! Have you abandoned your blog? Sassy: You've left blogger for myspace and I'm still sad about that. Your email updates are nice but just not the same. VS: I'm pretty sure you've abandoned ship. XT: I KNOW you're done. Karaway: You were the one person I met through blogger and I miss your crazy stories.
Obviously I miss reading you guys. You guys write (wrote) such entertaining passages and I loved them! Oh well.