Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Man

The Man and I met in 2001. What a unpredictable ride it's been! I mean, I knew he was ideal boyfriend material but marriage, a house and kids were just beyond me at that point.
Here we are, 14 years later. We've been  married almost seven years and have a daughter and a son together. We regularly turn to each other and say how we still feel like we're in our 20s even though we're in our mid and late 30s now. Well, our bodies definitely feel older but our hearts still kind of feel like we're 20-something year old kids playing house.
They are thick as thieves<3
The Man is a superb dad. Our daughter is definitely a Daddy's girl. She wanted to marry him for years and just recently moved on to other prospects. He dotes on her and has a ton of patience. I don't want her to grow up too fast. But I laugh inside whenever I think about how it will be when she starts dating. The Man may or may not be the kind of dad who polishes his rifle when a boy comes to visit.
Not too many daddies let their daughters go buck wild with face paint.
He is truly my partner in life. He's more than a father but I have to keep talking about this aspect of him because it's so relevant, with a new baby and all. There are some men who are hands off. He is the opposite. The Man is right there with me, changing diapers, holding a kiddo, playing dress up, cleaning spit up, cleaning far worse ... you get it. As a full-time working mama, this matters so much to me. Don't get it twisted, I fully expect this from him but I know that it's not the way with all men. So while I expect this of him I also am truly grateful. He's the type of guy who knew he always wanted to be a dad but he also knew he would be doing the work that comes along with it. I love and appreciate that so very much.
I get a kick out of how much our son looks like my husband. Especially since he's always wanted that. Family has always been important to him and, when we were dating, he used to tell me how he would love to see himself in our kids. I know he was disappointed when so many people would say that The Bun looked like me. Now he has his baby twin in The Bean! It seriously is uncanny how much they look alike.
Enjoying a basketball game while cuddling The Bean.
It's hard for me to fathom that we've known each other for over a decade. We have many ups and downs (anyone that has kids because they think it will make their relationship strong is NUTS! Kids truly test the strength of a marriage. But that's another post.) We weather the storms, though, and continue on our beautiful journey. He is my partner, my best friend, my frienemy (only when we bicker), my soulmate, my world. It's terrifying to know that one person could mean so much to me but he does. I am thankful and feel blessed that God made our paths cross.
- Posted using BlogPress via iPhone

1 comment:

jen said...

You are a lucky girl! and your kids are even luckier for a such a great dad! Yay for the Man!